“Surrender-stillness-a ready welcoming of all stripping, all loss, all that brings us low, low into the Lord's path of humility--a cherishing of every whisper of the Spirit's voice, every touch of the prompting that comes to quicken the hidden life within: that is the way God's human seed-vessels ripen, and Christ becomes ‘magnified’ even through the things that seem against us.”
― Lilias Trotter
This quote, by missionary and artist, Lilias Trotter, takes me to a place of silence and awareness. It is an invitation to trust the Lord in the darkness and to wait for His light.
Our beloved church family, celebrating the feast day of Epiphany.
For the past several years, we have celebrated Epiphany with our church. We all bring delicious food, appetizers, and desserts to share. We dress up with layers, boots, and mittens and head out to a friend’s house where we haul our Christmas trees, crisp and dead from weeks of delighting our homes with the scent of evergreen and littering our floors with plentiful pine needles! This year, there were even fireworks before the bonfire. We gather around the small, brooding fire as my husband shares a liturgy to commemorate the arrival of the Magi, princes and Kings from distant lands, to visit the royal infant King who came to save all the nations. The Light of the World has come to all nations! One by one, the Christmas trees are stacked one on top of another, and the light from the fire grows and grows, as embers fill the sky in a magical swirl of beauty. The night grows, the shadows blanket the snow, but the light is growing steadily, and it fills us with joy.
We live in a world of darkness and brokenness. But we have not been left alone to wander aimlessly through this journey of life. Believers in Jesus have been given, quite literally, a Lamp to light our path. That light is Jesus Himself. That light is the Word.
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” - John 8:12
His light opens eyes to see who He really is. His light shows people how to live life in His Kingdom. And just like the light from our Epiphany fire grows and scatters darkness away, He sends out His light, the light we so desperately need.
The kind people at the PCA EnCourage blog invited me to share some thoughts. Join me there as I share more deeply about my own struggle against the darkness, and how the light of Jesus keeps illuminating my path. May you experience the healing and strengthening graces of His light shining upon you today.